Palolem, Goa - 2.18.13

Please don't give up on me, friends.  I promise to update soon!  I am happy and safe, currently in Palolem, Goa relaxing on the beaches.  Still driving the rickshaw, to head further south tomorrow.  Tons has happened, such a daunting task to put it all on paper (computer).  

A short recap of the last 2 weeks:

I drove a pitiful 880 kilometers (roughly, as who is counting anymore?).  I drove in Mumbai traffic during rush hour.  I rode around in open jeeps around town with new friends.  I developed an awful indigestion problem that made me want to curl up up in a ball and die, but then again I also met a ayurvedic doctor in a car full of people who instantly cured my illness with a vile medicine.  I saw an Indian arts festival.  I met new friends.  I hung out with lawyers.  I drove some more.  I had a close call with an awful driver.  I ate fresh corn with lime and chili powder on the side of the road.  I decided toilet paper is for wimps.  And it is a waste of money and the environment (my rickshaw does say "Save Trees!!).  I decided showering in a bucket of cold water isn't so bad.  An elder honored me by placing a shawl on my shoulders as a sign of respect.  I ran out of petrol a time or two.  I shared stories and photos of my family, friends and culture back home.  And to someone who appreciated it!  I shared my life, also.  

OK, take a breath.

I slept in a hut on the beach with little more than a mosquito net and a fan and loved it.  I walked in the Arabian Sea.  I stayed at a local's house who served me fish from the Arabian Sea.  I walked through Anjuna Beach's weekly flea market (and didn't buy a thing!!!!!!!!!).  I learned more Hindi in one day than I had the previous three months (I had a good tutor), but it's still not saying much.  Mein tujhe pyar karti hu.  I broke someone's heart.  I tried to mend it.  I broke someone else's heart and my own.  I lit a dangly thing on fire that was attached to my vehicle, whoops.  Monkeys swung from branch to branch while I drove through the trees.  

You have probably come to this conclusion yourself, but India has a way of being very intense.  Through all of this I have laughed harder and longer than I have in a long time.  I have cried more than I have in years.  I have felt a range of emotions at insane magnitudes including happiness, sadness, worry, fear, thanks, love, exhaustion, 


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