A Family Trip to Europe: Part III Venice


We hopped on another train to Venice, only a few short hours away. We then rode the water bus to our hotel area and checked in at the beautiful Hotel Giorgione.

It's a quaint and traditional Venetian hotel with nice touches. When we got to our room, we realized there was a loft to the king bed, and did not feel comfortable being there for 3 nights with a 1.5 year old on the go! It was also cramped and took a maze to find. No other rooms were available for the first night, but reception said they could move us to a first floor suite just off of the pool and garden area, for a supplemental charge of €80 per night. OMG, so worth it!!! This was 2 rooms with the wall knocked out which means 2 big beds, 2 bathrooms and tons of space! It was especially awesome to be able to pop outside the room to have a Spritz by the pool while the kids were taking a nap (see below 😊). 

The pool was available in 30 minute blocks and required a reservation, but the reservation book was mostly empty and wasn’t an issue for us. Super tiny, but it was a great way to end the day before going to bed!

Is there anything better than an ice cold Coke on a long, hot day of traveling?

Venice, in general, was more touristy and busy that I remember from 27 years ago. Initially I wondered if we made a mistake going there. But after getting a little more off the beaten path, we had a delightful stay. Great food (check out Vecia Cavana, OMG), a few too many Aperol Spritzes and picking up strollers across a million bridges. 

Strolling around the city, eating gelato and pizza, enjoying our final moments before heading home

And did you even visit Venice if you didn't stop by St Mark's Square?!?

We loved every minute of this trip, but it was time to go home. And while we had an extraordinary adventure, we were ready to hug our dog and sleep in our own beds!

But not before one last awesome ride to the airport in a very fancy and private boat! So cool, the airport itself has docks just for this reason! Practically boat to plans, quite an experience!


Venice to Denver: We flew United Airlines from Venice to Denver via Newark (possibly worst airport ever?).  Economy, seat for the little one, but this time we chose not to use the car seat. He was way more mobile, but it worked out alright. While Farhad and I struggled to get everything settled during the boarding process, Zarin was invited to sit with the pilots and make an announcement before take-off, "Please take your seats!" She was glowing and felt so proud!

Rumi threw up upon landing in Newark and got to stroll through the airport mostly naked. But a quick change of clothes and we were off again. Made it home safe and sound. Hugged our Raju. Back to real the real world!

Naked airport baby!

I LOVE traveling. And I LOVE going home <3 <3 <3 



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