Day 4 - Alleppey

We got woken up around 9am to learn that Varghese was waiting downstairs to take us to his guesthouse in Alleppey.  Not packed, we decide to leave our main luggage at Sangy's and return for it before moving on from Kerala. How many days will we be gone?  What will we be doing?  I have no idea, throw shit in a backpack.  But I realize that there is nothing I can't do without and learn to go with the flow once again.  An hour or so's drive brings to Varghese's place, Vallis Gardens.  I had no idea what to expect, but again it was more than I ever imagined.  His servant/cook, Charles, brings us some sweet lime with a hint of ginger, the best I had anywhere for us to cool down.  Arriving in the beginning of the hot season, tourist season is low.  There is room for me, Brooke and Ricky.  We insisted, but Varghese would not let us stay as paying guests.  Around the property there are cows, dogs, emus, turkeys.  Varghese bought a cow for the sole purpose of feeding his puppies fresh milk.  I love this way of thinking/living.  It makes sense, but my first thought would be to buy milk, or some Iams, really.
Cow to feed Lloyd and his brother
The emus wanted to peck the eyes out of my face


It is only a 5 minute walk to the beach where there are boys playing cricket.  On the way a group of schoolgirls runs out to greet us on the path.  Like most other Indians, they wanted to know our names, our origin, and to take a few pictures with us.  Lots of giggling going on.....
 Later on we met some boys who were just as enthsuastic to take pictures
Beach bum, wanted to take him home with me

Charles cooks us a great dinner of egg curry (whole hard boiled eggs), chappathi, Kerala rice (my favorite), onion pakora, and chicken something or other. 
Ricky helped cook

We played cards, Red Sevens, out on the deck while listening to some music while drinking some Kingfishers.  Here is what I remember about playing Red Sevens:  Deck dealed evenly.  Red 7 of Hearts starts. Next person goes up or down in same suit or adds a new 7 to start another pile. Go up or down consecutively until one card left, say "Last card."  Add up card values and first one to 100 loses.

Varghese came back a little later and invites us into his hangout room.  He loves electronica so I play some of my oldschool trance that I used to listen to in highschool.  I remember feeling so relaxed and free here.  More relaxed than just being on vacation.  There is something about that place; I was able to completely let everything go.  Rare for me.


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